최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

[국제전자상거래]전자무역 네트워크 구축 현황과 활성화 방안

A Study on the Current Situation and Scheme for Activation of e- Trade Network Project

  • 182

Due to the expansion of the Internet and the rapid development of Information Technology in the borderless market, the global economy is now changing into digital economy The purpose of tins thesis is to identify the current situation and problems of e-trade network which has been recently designed by various countries. Korea has actively promoted the comprehensive plan for global e-Trade network Especially this thesis deals with PAA, Korea-Japan e-trade network, ASEM e-trade projects. Asian countries have been slow in forming a regional economic bloc but significant effort has already been made in establishing a pan-Asian e-commerce network. Development of the e-marketplace in Japan or in korea enables B2B e-commerce. ASEM e-trade project has started to establish e-trade network between Korea and Europe. The expansion of e-trade network leads to global transaction with the partial or complete utilization of digital tools such as computer and information network However, e-trade network potential is not readily evident due to incomplete legal groundwork, lack of standardization, mutual certification. institutional system, and insufficient information in trading circles, etc To reap full benefits, e-trade network should be harmonized and interconnected with trading partners through multilateral or regional cooperation to set relevant inter-operable infrastructure, operate electronic document reposition center and online dispute resolution


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. e-마켓플레이스 발전과 전자무역 네트워크의 구축 현황

Ⅲ. 전자무역 네트워크의 문제점

Ⅳ. 글로벌 전자무역 네트워크 활성화 방안

Ⅴ. 결론

