최근 검색어 전체 삭제

개화기 한국복식의 변화에 영향을 미친 요인

Primary factors affecting the changes in dress and ornaments in Korea during the Period of Civilization

  • 359

  Korean dress and ornaments experienced a change with the Byung Ja Treat of Amity as a turning point. At this time the propagation of a new culture played a crucial role. The contact with Western cultures, first of all, brought about changes in people"s way of thinking. Egalitarianism, which came from Catholicism, greatly influenced the philosophy of "DongHack" and finally led to social reform. Even if the change in the peoples way of thinking was not a direct cause for the changes in dress, it played an important role in forming the foundation for the later changes.   Contact with Western culturse laid the groundwork which directly influenced the change in Korean dress. A few people in the upper classes who had an opportunity to come face to face with Western cultures became acquainted with Western clothes and they took a leading role in modifying current fashions.   At the same time, social reformers attempted to change and modernize Korean dress as part of a nationwide social reform movement. Laws were passed at this time which forced government officials to use Western dress on certain occasions. The general population remained unaffected by these changes however.   In contrast to the government reformer, the propagation of modern education which started as a part of the missionary and evangelism work. Within Korea, continuously influenced changes in women"s dress. Educational institutions for women not only took a leading role in the changes in women"s dresses but they served as a catalyst for the changes in womens thinking about themselves, paved the way for their initial, limited participation in society and improved the position within the home. This increase in social activities requried more functional clothing and necessitated improvements in women"s dresses. This resulted in the wide usage of improved Hanbok designs and the introduction of Western dresses.   As mentioned and examined aboue, the changes in dresses during the Perood of Civilization meant a Westernization in dress. Westernized dress, however, beyond its dimension of fashion, were the expression of the people"s desire for social reform and they seem to be an expression of social awareness.

Ⅰ. 서론<BR>Ⅱ. 개화기 복식변화의 요인<BR>Ⅲ. 결론<BR>〈참고문헌〉<BR>Abstract<BR>
