최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국에서의 몰입교육

Making immersion program possible in Korean EFL context

  • 684

While the effects of the immersion education are still debatable, the Korean Ministry of Education, Sciences and Technology is preparing to adopt the immersion education in English in the newly delegated free-trade region and Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. Regarding this state of affairs, the researchers felt the need to investigate 1) whether the immersion education in truly appropriate for Korean public education, and 2) if there are any prerequisites in case of its adoption. The researchers conducted personal interviews with 3 teachers, 1 parent and 1 student who participated in a content-based English teaching program. The close analysis of these interviews revealed that the current immersion education heavily relies on the extra-curricular English classes taken at private language institutes and that the immersion education was not feasible in its truism at such public schools where the students do not take the extra classes outside school. The researchers conclude that the government should establish relevant policies that would empower the public schools and the teachers to incorporate immersion teaching into their regular curricular.
