최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

국어과 교육과정의 지역화 시론

An Essay on Localization of Korean Arts Curriculum

  • 182

This essay aims to grope the necessity and possibility to replace local culture repertory in intended curriculum for localization of Korean arts curriculum. For this I investigate the local feature of Chunhyangjeon and Jeongeupsa which are the representative classic literature and clarify the legitimacy of the localization of Korean arts curriculum on the ground of different logics of curriculum. Chunhyangjeon has its origin in the cultural environment of Namwon, Jeonbuk. It grew on the local feature of Jeonbuk and settled down as classic or canon in the early modern. Jeongeupsa also has its origin in the cultural environment of Jeongeup, Jeonbuk in the age of Baekje, performed as a palace music repertory in Koryeo dynasty and recorded on the music document in Joseon dynasty. It might be transmitted orally at Jeongeup before literal record. The reason why local culture repertory is replaced in intended curriculum is that the learners are to guided to live as sound citizen with local identity. On the case of Jeonbuk, Chunhyangjeon and Jeongeupsa might be the representative repertory for the localization of Korean arts curriculum. The learners in Jeonbuk should be guided to the channel to learn more deeply than the learner in the other region through integrated curriculum with geography or history subject. The learner in the certain region can approach easily to the cultural heritage of the certain region. The reason why the learner in the certain region should approach to the local culture repertory is not that the specific literary work has its own literary value but also that it has the feature and moment to make the certain learner establish his own local identity.

1. 논의의 목적과 전제

2. 「춘향전」과 「정읍사」의 지역 문화적 위상

3. 교육과정 지역화의 정당성 모색

4. 맺음말


