최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국공예의 육성정책

A Study on the Craft Promotion Policy in Korea

  • 63

This paper is designed to explain the governmental policies of aiding and promoting the modern craft art in Korea since 1945 and to study the interrelationships among the governmental policies, the educational system, and society. It explores how the Korean government supports the organizations of small craft businesses, artists, and apprentices by using the policy guidance, the financial and educational systems. It emphasizes the importance of the educational system as a point of connection between the companies and artists. Finally this paper discusses the role of the artistic events such as competitive exhibitions organized by governments and craft art associations in the development of the craft art. It seeks to demonstrate that the government, the educational system, and society cooperate closely in Korea to promote the the modern craft art. Since 1945 the areas of the modern craft art has become divided into three different areas. As a result arti sts, merchandisers, and the policy-makers of the government cannot work together to promote the craft art. The crafts in the first area have been produced by small business merchandizers without any artistic interest. These items include domestic wares and decorative objects. The second area has been developed by artists who pursue their craft art for their own artistic purposes. The third area exists as the traditional craft which preserves the traditional techniques of the craft art by raising the apprentices. After the new Korean government has decided to promote the knowledge and cultural industries for the 2 IC, modern craft art businesses have begun to attract attention from Korean society. Yet the above three areas do not know how to cooperate one another. This paper suggests that it is urgent to find a way in which merchandizers respect and accommodate the artistic intentions of the craft artists. Merchandizers and artists also pay careful attention to incorporate the inherited traditional techniques in their respective areas. The close cooperation among three areas will contribute to developing the industrial craft art.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 본론

Ⅲ. 결론

