최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

랫트에 있어서 DWH-01(Ranitidine : Bismuth subcitrate : Sucralfate)의 아급성독성에 관한 연구

Subacute Toxicity of DWH-01(Ranitidine : Bismuth subcitrate : Sucralfate) in rats

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Subacute toxicities of DWH-01(Ranitidine : Bismuth : Sucralfate = 1.5 : 2 : 6) were inverstigated in Sprague-Dawley rats. After oral administration of DWH-01 with different dosages of 5g/kg, lg/kg, and 0.2g/kg, we examined the number of deaths, general signs, food intake, water intake, body weight and histopatholgical changes for both sexes of rats. During the adminstration period, urinalysis and opthalmological examination were also performed in the treated animals. 1) Animals were all survived for 4 weeks. 2) There were no significant differences in pathological and opthalmological findings between the control and treated animals. 3) There were no significant changes in body weight, food intake and water intake compared with control group. 4) In hematological examination and blood chemical analysis, there was no significant change compared with control group. 5) In histopathological examinations of organs and tissues, there was some hemorrhage in a lung tissue of low dose group, but it was thought to be caused by environmental factor. These data suggest that DWH-01 is not subacutely toxic in Sprague-Dawley rats.
