최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

고속 하틀리 변환에 의한 의약품 미분스펙트럼의 확인 시스템의 개발

Development of Identification System of Derivative Spectra of Pharmaceuticals by Fast Hartley Transform

Fast Hartley transform(FHT) was used for the identification of derivative UV spectra of pharmaceuticals, with the advantages of relatively shorter computing time of FHT and more precise results. The arccosine value of dot product of two vectors of normalized FHT coefficients calculated from two compared derivative spectra was a reasonable parameter for the spectral identification. Using this parameter, the similar patterns of derivative spectra of 13 penicillins can be differenciated from each other. The concentration difference and the minor contamination did not interfere the results of identification procedures. All these procedures of identification were accomplished successfully by the computer program, [SPECMAN PLUS] version 1.30, which was developed for this article.
