최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

글루타민산나트륨(Mono Sodium Glutamate)을 처방한 모발 경화제가 펌에 미치는 효과

A Study of Effects of Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG)-based Hair Hardener on Hair Perm

DOI : 10.18693/jksba.2016.17.1.41
  • 142

This study attempted to assess the applicability of the hair-hardener considering hair elasticity and retention through analysis of changes in hair conditions after chemical treatment. For this, the following were analyzed: safety and stability of the hair-hardener, changes in hair thickness, amino acid, changes in surface color, hair surface using the SEM, changes in tensile strength, and wave efficiency by the frequency of shampooing. Then, the results found the following: The stability of the hair-hardener was confirmed because there were no changes in its physical properties and color at room temperature and constant temperature. In a clinical allergy test as well, a negative response was found in all 20 clinical trial participants, which confirms its safety. In terms of changes in hair thickness, hair was thicker in the group that used the hair hardener than in the control group. In comparison of amino acid, total amino acid, L-glutamic acid, and cysteine contents increased in the experimental group that used the hair hardener. In terms of changes in surface color, L* value was high in the experimental group. A* value, which represents the level of reddish color, was also high in the experimental group. In contrast, b* value, which reveals the level of yellow color, was low in the experimental group. In observation of hair surface using the SEM, hair cuticles were tidier in the experimental group than in the control group. In terms of tensile strength, the experimental group was greater than the control group. According to measurement of wave efficiency by the frequency of shampooing after a general perm and setting perm as well, wave formation was more efficient in the experimental group.


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법

Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰

Ⅳ. 결론

