최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

GIS를 활용한 영유아보육시설의 공간적 입지적정성 평가

  • 66
※해당 콘텐츠는 기관과의 협약에 따라 현재 이용하실 수 없습니다.

There have been numerous debates and efforts on the matter in the importance of presch∞ 1 education aod the expansion of pre - sch∞ 1 child-care fadlities. In particular, the growth of women’s labor force participation significantly requires the pre- sch child-care facilities to accomm ate presch children and to provide suitable educational environments for them due to the nuc!ear family system. This emphasizes the importance of considering the spatial locations of αe - sch∞ 1 chìld-care facilities to balance between clients and community requirements. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to evaluate the spa and locational appropriateness of pre - sch child-care facilitîes in Seoul, Korea. This study first carries out the legal and lîterature review in order to selecting the spatial factors and evaluating the spatial and locational appropriateness of pre- sch child-care facilities. Data and statistκal an써 yses are then conducLed main!y based on GIS The results of the study suggest more rational ways for apprc‘)riate decision makîng in systematic management of suitable types and spatial allocations of pre- school child-care facilities
