최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Implementing a Sustainable Decision-Making Environment - Cases for GIS, BIM, and Big Data Utilization -

  • 13

Planning occurs from day-to-day, small-scale decisions to large-scale infrastructure investment decisions. For that reason, various attempts have been made to appropriately assist decision-making process and its optimization. Lately, initiation of a large amount of data, also known as big data has received great attention from diverse disciplines because of versatility and adoptability in its use and possibility to generate new information. Accordingly, implementation of big data and other information management systems, such as geographic information systems (GIS) and building information modeling (BIM) have received enough attention to establish each of its own profession and other associated activities. In this extent, this study illustrates a series of big data implementation cases that can provide a lesson to urban planning domain. In specific, case studies analyze how data was used to extract the most optimized solution and what aspects could be helpful in relation to planning decisions. Also, important notions about GIS and its application in various urban cases are examined.


1. Introduction

2. The Rise of Big Data

3. Applications of Information Management Systems and Its Possibilities

4. Data Capacity and Possibility

5. GIS, Big Data, and Decision-Making

6. Waves of GIS Implementation in Decision-Making

7. Possibilities and Directions

8. Conclusions

