최근 검색어 전체 삭제

忠州聞慶間의 沃川系의 層序와 構造

Stratigraphy and Tectonics of Okcheon System in the Area between Chungju and Munkyeong

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Some of geologists in Korea recently that Okchon system previously known to be precambrian age was the metamorphosed sediments of post-Chosen (Ordovician and pre-Kyeongsang (late Jurassic to Cretaceous) periods, or even definitely of Triassic period simply on the basis of the fact that Okcheon system overlies the Great Limestone series of Chosen system of Camberordovician age, and of other few assumptions of minor importance. As a result of such correlation, thick series of metasediments and Okcheon system of unknown age were established in this particular region and vaguely correlated to Paleozoic and Mesozoic sediments. Recent study done by the auther reveled that: 1) only the upper Okcheon bed of S. Nakamura was true Okcheon system, and the middle and lower Okcheon beds were excluded, because they were correlated to Cambrian and Permian sediments respectively. 2) Sangnaeri, Seochangri, and rengam formations of unknown age, and Baekhwasan, Jobong and Ihwaryeong formations of Okeon system of also unknown age were the metamorphosed Yangdeok system of Cambrian age, all of these formations were differentiated by the previous workers and were equivalent to the middle Okcheon system of S. Nakamure, and. 3) These metamorphosed Yangdeok system overlaid apparently the Great Limestone series in forms of overthrust and klippe which were produced by the orogeny took place during post-Daedong and pre-Kyeongsang period (probably middle to the Jurassic). The Sobacksan Range, folded mountain Chains was also formed by this orogeny. Thus, Okcheon system newly defined by the author is precambrain age and consists in ascending order of Kemyenogsan, Hyangsan dolomite, and Daehangsan quarizite formation which were previously classified into metasediments of unknown age, and Munjuri, and Hwangkanri, formations which were differentiated into Okcheon system unknown age by the previous workers, but are of reversed sequence. Myeongori and Bukrori formations of Okcheon System are regard by the author as part of Hwangkanri formation. Few other assumption of minor important taken by the previous workers as their positive evidences are carefully explained that they were misinterpreted.


1. 序言

2. 沃川系의 史的 考察

3. 旣存 沃川系의 層序

4. 層序的 問題

5. 地質構造的 考察

6. 石灰岩層과 接하는 地層群의 岩石學的觀察

7. 時代未詳 地層群의 變質度

8. 沃川系의 橫的 變化

9. 沃川系 內의 石炭層

10. 새로운 沃川系의 設定

11. 先 캄브리아系의 對比試圖

12. 結言

