최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

NCS기반 항공객실승무원 자격제도의 필요성에 대한 해외사례연구—영미권의 경우

An International Case Study on the Necessity of the Qualification System of Cabin Crew Based on NCS: The Case of Anglosphere

  • 95

This paper argues that the Korean government should establish the qualification system of cabin crew based on NCS to connect the education by the colleges-universities and the training by the airlines of the country. So far most major airlines of Korea are said to have hired new cabin crew by their educational background and appearances instead of competency or the job performance. This fact leads to the huge cost of training the recruits and the large-scale unemployment of the graduates of the educational institutions. I observe the current situation of the Korean education based on NCS and the system of cabin crew controlled by CBT in Anglosphere, including Australia, with an apprenticeship framework. Comparing the two cases shows that the qualification system in this field should be brought by reinforcing the decent power of NCS, meaning the financial efficiency at the national level.

Ⅰ. 서론: 국내 항공객실서비스 교육과 훈련의 문제점

Ⅱ. 국내 NCS기반 항공객실서비스 교육현황

1. NCS의 도입배경과 개념

2. NCS기반 항공객실서비스 교육현황

Ⅲ. CBT 프레임을 통한 해외 항공객실승무원 제도

1. CBT의 정의와 효과

2. 해외 CBT 사례: 영미 항공객실승무원 교육 프로그램

Ⅳ. 결론: 항공객실서비스 자격제도의 필요성
