회분식실험과 주상실험을 통한 반응성 배수공법용 흡착필터의 중금속 제거능 평가
Evaluation on the Heavy Metal Removal Efficiency of Sorption Filter for Reactive Drainage Method by Batch and Column Experiments
To utilize the landfill site of offshore waste disposal facilities, ground stabilization should be completed by increasing the strength of ground and the removal of residual contaminants in landfill site. The reactive drainage method can remove contaminants when drainage is applied for ground improvement. In this study, the filter made of zeolite was manufactured and then its acceptability as filter for reactive drainage method was evaluated. In order to make permeable sorption filter, the air bubble were injected. The permeability of sorption filter test piece was 1.4×10-2 cm/s. Heavy metal removal efficiency of sorption filter was evaluated by batch test and then column tests were performed to simulate drainage method. Batch test results shows that heavy metals over 99% were removed within 10 minutes by sorption filter. fast reaction and high sorption efficiency indicates that sorption filter is suitable to apply reactive drainage method. In addition, under continuous influent condition of heavy metal solution, the sorption filter removed heavy metals over 98%. However, it is noted that the permeability of sorption filter might be reduced by clogging resulted from sorption and precipitation in filter when reactive drain method is applied for long period.
1. 서론
2. 재료 및 방법
3. 흡착제의 중금속 제거성능
4. 흐름조건에서의 반응성필터 적용성 평가
5. 결론