This paper aims to propose more improved and rational methods when the local governments such as cities and counties need to designate the zones that may cause natural hazards in the coastal areas. For this purpose, detailed establishment criteria of master plans already existing in the local governments of more than twenty cities and counties were reviewed. Thus, more improved and rational measures were suggested after looking over the criteria needed for the designation of those coastal disaster risk zones. In addition, the newly proposed ways here was applied to the areas with actually a high occurrence possibility of coastal disaster and then its applicability was assessed. The newly proposed ways here showed roughly a 3.5 higher agreement rate of hazard zones compared to using the existing ways when we designate a certain area as a natural disaster risk area. Furthermore, the risk types of natural hazard areas became more diverse. As a result, it proved that the new examination measures proposed in this study are more efficient and precise compared to the existing ways when we need to designate risk areas or areas with potentially risk factors in the coastal areas.
1. 서론
2. 위험지구 분석방법에 따른 문제점
3. 개선방안
4. 현지적용
5. 개선방안의 적용성 평가
6. 결론