동해 연안 방재 환경 정보 실시간 연속 시계열 모니터링 시스템과 태풍 산바(2012) 사례 적용
A System for Real-time and Continuous Monitoring of Environmental Information to Prevent Disasters off the East Coast of Korea and its application to Typhoon Sanba (2012) case
More than half of the world’s population is concentrated in the coastal areas or areas increasingly influenced by coastal disasters under changing climate. Real-time and continuous monitoring of environmental information is vital to predict, forecast, warn, prevent and mitigate coastal disasters. A surface mooring named ‘East Sea Real-time Ocean Buoy (ESROB)’, has been developed and operated to provide time-series information on key (physical and biogeochemical) oceanographic as well as meteorological variables in real-time, located 9 km off the east coast of Korea in 130 m water depth since 1999. The data obtained from the ESROB are transmitted to the server and displayed in the web page in real-time with time history. We provide an example case of the data collected during the typhoon Sanba in 2012. Such real-time and continuous data from the ESROB need to be integrated into the national system to mitigate and prevent coastal disasters and for risk management.
1. 서론
2. 시스템 및 운용 현황
3. 2012년 9월 태풍 산바 통과 사례
4. 결론