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KCI등재 학술저널

화두와 메타적 반성

The Hwadu and Meta-Reflection

  • 187

이 글의 목적은 간화선의 화두 참구에서 의심의 역할을 인도 중관학파 (Madhyamaka)의 부정(pratisedha)의 사유방식과 비교하여, 중관사상과 간화선이 친밀한 사상적/방법론적 유사성으로서 ‘메타적 반성’을 담보한다고 밝힌다. 결과적으로 이 글은 한국 간화선의 정체성을 화두 참구에서 의심의 기능이 갖는 인식적 접근의 과정을 강조하면서, 의심을 젠부디즘 (zen Buddhism)에 의해 간과된 한국 간화선의 특징으로 부각시켰다. 이를 위해 필자가 도입한 접근법은 간화선과 비트켄슈타인 그리고 중관 사상에서 공유 가능한 지대를 확보하는 것이다. 이는 서구에서 간화선을 이해하기 위한 한 가지 방법론으로 공안(公案)과 후기 비트겐슈타인 (L. Wittgenstein)의 언어관을 비교한 연구와 중관사상을 이해하기 위한 접근법으로 중관사상과 후기 비트겐슈타인 모두 실체론을 비판한다는 점을 강조한 연구에서 착안하였다. 특히 인도 중관학파의 부정에 의한 사유 방식 과 간화선의 화두 참구에서 의심의 역할을 메타적 반성의 관점에서 탐구하였다. 이러한 탐구는 우리의 편벽된 인식태도 혹은 인지적 오해를 시정하는 측면에 초점을 맞춰 이루어졌다. 이 과정에서 화두 참구에서 의심의 역할이 수행하는 기능적 양상을 부정적 반성을 추구하는 중관사상의 관점에서 비교함으로써 화두 참구의 목표가 궁극적으로 중관사상과 동일한 인식적 지평을 획득하도록 인도한다는 사실을 확인하였다. 다시 말해 한국 간화선에 두드러진 화두 참구에서 의심의 기능이 갖는 인식적 접근의 과정을 중관사상이 추구하는 공성 현증의 과정과 대비함으로써 한국 간화선의 위상을 재고할 수 있었다.

The main aim of this article is to show the endorsement of ‘meta-reflection’ as an ideological and methodological similarity between Ganhwa Seon and Indian Madhyamaka by comparing the role of ‘doubt’ in the Hwadu (critical phrase or keyword 話頭) with the ‘intellectual negation’ (pratisedha). Consequently, this article highlights the identity of the Korean Ganhwa Seon through differentiating it from a feature of Zen Buddhism which neglects the importance of the function of ‘doubt’ in the context of the Hwadu through the process of a cognitive approach. To do this, I observe a commonality between the three thoughts: the Ganhwa Seon, L. Wittgenstein, and Indian Madhyamaka. In order for the West to understand the Ganhwa Seon, one of the methodologies is to compare it with L. Wittgenstein, furthermore, there is a comparison of ideas between Wittgenstein to the Indian Madhyamaka. This is done in three stages. First, I explore the later Wittgenstein s philosophy that the metaphysical existence beyond our experience was just our request through overcoming the philosophical limitations of the former Wittgenstein’s view. Even he had tried to explore the new existentialism by ensuring the philosophy of healing from his former philosophy, but he finally realized that the objectivist settings are our demand after moving on later Wittgenstein s perspective. That is, it is pseudo-existence, which is not really real, and it is a projection of our hopes. To eliminate this pseudo-existence requires us to question what we know. The later Wittgenstein s philosophy is reformed by breaking down the objectivism that had restrained him through such distrusts and philosophical inquiries. His later philosophy began with questioning our perception of everyday languages, similar to the approach pursued by the Ganhwa Seon and the Indian Madhyamaka. In fact, by doing this, the Ganhwa Seon and the Indian Madhyamaka seek to apply the ‘strong cluster of doubts and intellectual negations’. The reason for this is to see the foundational falseness of existence, based on the Buddhist epistemology tradition. Next, I draw a parallel between the later Wittgenstein s perspectives according to philosophical Investigations and the Indian Madhyamaka’s thoughts. As if Wittgenstein s later philosophy has led modern philosophy to the path of an ontology without foundationalism, the Indian Madhyamaka did not seek for metaphysical ontology. The Madhyamaka had known that the end of ontology is just one extreme, not the pursuit of epistemological exploration. Hence this shows that the starting point of Buddhist epistemology is inherently different than any other Western philosophical tradition, to demolish all kinds of pseudo-existence, in which the ‘cluster of doubts’ and the ‘intellectual negation’ about the existence are needed. Finally, the Indian Madhyamaka s method of thinking through the ‘intellectual negation’ and the role of ‘doubt’ in the Hwadu are explored in terms of ‘meta-reflection’. This investigation is focused on aspects to correct our cognitive misunderstandings or eccentric cognitive attitudes. In order to reveal it, I try to compare the functional aspects of the questioning in the Hwadu with verbally bound negation of the Indian Madhyamaka s. Therefore, I show that the ultimate goal of the Indian Madhyamaka s method and the Hwadu is the same in regard to leading one to the same cognitive perspective.

1. 서론

2. 우리가 넘어서야 하는 것

3. 우리는 왜 의심해야 하는가?

4. 화두, 메타적 반성

5. 결론
