최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

인지의미론의 관점으로 분석한 ‘비설거지’의 의미

Analysis of the Meaning of Piselkeci from the Perspective of Cognitive Semantics.

  • 74

Korean compound word piselkeci has the meaning of ‘to put things (esp. grains) away so they don t get wet when it rains.’ However, because it is rarely used these days, when its meaning is asked of, common responses are ‘to wash dishes with rainwater’ and ‘to clean the surroundings with rain.’ The paper demonstrates how the compound word piselkeci has its meaning, unlike the folk belief, from the perspective of cognitive semantics. The modifier pi ‘rain’ is extended to designate ‘due to rain’ through the metonymy EVENT FOR CAUSE. The profile determinant selkeci ‘dish-washing’ is extended to mean ‘taking care of things after a certain event’ by the HYPONYM FOR HYPERNYM metonymy and further to ‘taking care of things after an event.’ The paper also explains why most people misinterpret the meaning of piselkeci. They interpret pi ‘rain’ as an instrument or as an agent. In the former interpretation, pi is construed as ‘rain water’ through WHOLE FOR PART metonymy and, in the latter interpretation, it is construed as an inanimate agent which cleans the surroundings, which happens often when it rains.

1. 서론

2. Benczes의 합성어 분류

3. ‘설거지’ 합성어의 의미 분석

4. ‘비설거지’에 대한 오역의 원인

5. 결론

