최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Usage of ‘COOL’ and Its Meanings: From a Corpus-Based Cognitive Linguistic Approach

  • 11

In our daily life, we often use temperature terms to convey not only literal meanings which show physical temperature but also figurative meanings as an important way of communication. Among the temperature terms, this paper focuses on ‘cool’ and aims to investigate its usage and meanings in depth through a corpus of American newspapers. First, ‘cool’ is dealt with statistically in terms of grammatical functions and semantic aspects as a quantitative analysis. Second, this paper analyzes the meanings of ‘cool’ found in the corpus of newspapers and explores how its literal meanings are metaphorically extended in detail as a qualitative analysis. In this way, this study explains that the meanings of ‘cool’ are derived from our conceptualization and this conceptualization is primarily based on human physical and cultural experience.

1. Introduction

2. Theoretical Background

3. Data and Analysis

4. Findings and Conclusion

