최근 검색어 전체 삭제

노량해전의 승리 요인과 역사적 평가

The main factors and the historical estimations of the victory of the naval battle at noryang

  • 733

노량해전은 임진왜란 시기 전투 중 가장 큰 전과를 거둔 전투이며 이순신이 전사한 해전이기도 하다. 이순신이 치른 다른 해전과 전장 환경이 크게 다른 해전임에도 승리할 수 있었던 요인이 무엇인가에 대한 검토를 하였다. 아울러 노량해전의 결과가 어떤 역사적 의미를 가지며, 당대 조정에서는 어떻게 평가했는가에 대해 정리해 보았다. 우선 노량해전의 승리 요인을 크게 4가지 관점에서 분석해 보았 다. 첫째는 전선과 무기체계의 우수성이다. 특히 조선의 전선이 우수한 점은 재론할 여지가 없지만 노량해전에서는 명 수군의 전선도 크게 활용되었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 둘째는 이순신의 탁월한 전술이다. 노량수로 좌단의 풍상 쪽에 위치하여 바람을 등진 채 화공전을 수행한 것은 해전 승리의 단초가 되었다. 이어서 전투 중반 이후 관음포에 적선을 몰아넣은 것도 조선 수군이 보유한 화포의 명중률을 높이는 데 크게 기여하였다. 셋째는 조명연합작전이 성공을 거두었다는 점이다. 4개월간 이순 신과 함께 지낸 명 수군 도독 진린과 휘하 장졸들도 이순신의 뛰어난 인품과 능력에 매료되어 작전에 적극적으로 협조하였다. 넷째는 수군 장졸들의 적극적인 참전이다. 장졸들 개개인의 사생 관과 능력에 기인한 전투의지가 실제 전투에서 유감없이 발휘된 것으로 평가할 수 있다. 한편 노량해전의 승리는 여러 가지 역사적 의미를 담고 있다. 노량해전은 조명연합작전 중 유일하게 성공을 거둔 해전이었으며, 명나라 수군에 대한 긍정적 인식을 형성하는 데 기여하였다. 아울러 조선 수군의 막강한 전력이 해외에 전파되는 효과를 주었으며, 무엇보다도이 해전의 승리로 전쟁의 상흔에 망연자실해 있던 조선 백성들에게 큰위안을 주었을 것이다. 노량해전의 승리와 이순신의 전사는 당대 조선 조정과 명군 지휘 부에 이순신과 조선 수군의 능력에 대한 긍정적 인식을 형성하는 데크게 기여하였다. 노량해전의 결과는 수군이 전란 극복에 가장 큰 기여를 했다는 역사적 평가를 이끌어 내었다.

The Sea Battle of Noryang that Admiral Yi Sun-sin passed away is the great victory battle of Imjin War. It has been reputed as the great final battle and at the same time historically remarkable. However, in fact this battle has not been so subjected to understand the facts themselves and it has got the honorable names only. The most important issue I would like to point here is that there is very missing understanding of The Allied Korean-Ming China Navy. And still the researches so far are focused on Admiral Yi’s activities. It means Yi’s death is meaningful and social concerns are high. In the other hand, there are so lack of historic materials to research. In consequence of this, it always appeared on the researches how many ships of enemies’ and there are not so much keen researches appear of Joseon’s or Ming’s battle ships. I fully understand to analyze the reasons of Joseon’s winning at this battle is still young and out of accuracy. However, I’ve regarded it is time to be meaningful to suggest the reasons of victory.I have pointed four-fact of the victory of the Sea Battle at Noryang. The first fact is excellency of Joseon’s war ships and weapons that any study has been pointed out. But the difference of my point is this first fact is discussed on the two countries, Joseon and Ming while the most researches could say the single Joseon weapons superbity. Ming’s war ships were remarkable of the Sea Battle of Noryang. The Naval Forces of Ming-China which had been equipped cannons on its war-ship at the very narrow bay like Gwaneumpo-bay played a remarkable role during the battle. Second, Yi’s outstanding strategies. He knew how to serve the capacity power of Joseon’s weapon and carried out fire squadron and he start the maneuvers strike as he fully practiced the topography. The fire attacking by blocking on the wind at the very left Noryang Strait was the very single key. In the middle of the battle, that he lured the enemy to the narraw Gwaneumpo-bay was played a smart role for the accuracy of the cannons in use. Third, the strategy of the Allied Korean-Ming China Navy was successful. Yi’s humanized diplomatic actions were the core to harmonize the Admiral Chen Lin so that to be cooperative for the battle. Even the sub-commanders who stayed with Yi during the battle over 4 months were also attracted by Yi’s wiseness on duties and heartful personal characters. They became to face the battle actively and cooperated positively. Fourth, the naval men were to be active for the battle. Yi’s leadership to unite the group into one once people were on board on battle. At the same time, the soldiers themselves did their own duty by themselves regardless. That stepping on their abilities towards the battle, they did not even think to be died that the squadrons had to be close to the enemy is a great appraise. Above this, it can be specified the detailed mains to the victory of the Sea Battle of Noryang. I only sort out 4 reasons which could be helped readers to understand the battle. Meanwhile, the Sea Battle of Noryang also gave historical importances. The battle is the one of uncountable number of battles during the Imjin War and it is the largest successful battle. Along with, this battle was the first victory of the Allied Korean-Ming China Navy and it could change the image of dispatched troops to the public. Importantly, it effected let know the world Joseon Korea Naval Forces power. Furthermore, the nation people of Joseon who were so much distrait were to be comforted. The great victory at Noryang and Yi’s death fully gave perceiving the ability of Joseon Korea Naval Forces to the officials of dispatched Ming China. Seonjo king praised Yi’s distinctions. And Joseon did try hard to construct and reinforce the naval forces preparing other attack of Japan’s future invading.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 노량해전의 경과

Ⅲ. 노량해전의 승리요인 분석

Ⅳ. 노량해전의 역사적 의미와 평가

Ⅴ. 맺음말
