최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일제강점기 일본어 학습서 『日鮮語學敎範』에 대한 일고찰

A Study on the Voice of Korean and Japanese in the Japanese Text Book ‘Ilsunohakgyobum’ of the Early 20th Century

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本稿では、19世紀末から20世紀初めに発行された辞典類、文法書、朝鮮人のための日本語学習書􋺷日鮮語學敎範􋺸を分析資料として、20世紀初頭に おける日本語と韓国語の態(受け身と使役)の様相と史的変化を考察した。その結果、使用頻度の面では使役が受け身に比べより高い頻度を示した。辞典類の見出し語としての受け身と使役は1940年代に登場している が、個別動詞としての使役動詞は1880年代の資料にも現れている。但し、 受け身の動詞についてはそれぞれの動詞によって出現時期や使用頻度が異なっている。文法書においては、外国人の書いたものでは動詞の相として扱われていたが、韓国人の書いたものでは単なる動詞として扱われていた。 學習書における日本語と韓国語の対応の様相としては、使用頻度の面で受け身が使役に比べより高い頻度を示した。無情物主語が動作動詞ととも に用いられる受け身文が現れて、韓国語の接尾辞受け身とge-doeda受け身、接尾辞使役とge-hada使役との混同が見られた。特に、韓国語の語彙 的受け身の多用と可能受け身の史的変化、両言語における受け身と可能の 相関性について考察することができた。

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the corresponding aspects and the characteristics of voice (causative and passive) of Korean and Japanese, by studying the text book ‘Ilsunohakgyobum’(1912) for Korean learners written by a Japanese person, dictionaries, and grammar books in the early 20th century. The results are presented as follows: 1. The terms passive and causative appeared in dictionaries in 1940s. In the grammar books for foreigners, the grammar was explained under voice. However, in the grammar books for Koreans, the grammar was still under verbs, showing that voice was not dealt with in a systematic grammar at the time. 2. In the study of Japanese-Korean textbook ‘Ilsunohakgyobum’, the frequency of passive use was higher than that of causative. 3. For the characteristics of Korean voice in the early 20th century, first, lexical passive was much used; second, ‘doe-da’ passive in modern Korean was used as suffix passive at the time, which showed that the representative forms for passive were suffix passive. Finally, regarding the relationship between passive and potential, potential passive did not appear in the previous era but appeared in the early 20th century. These features showed the phase of transition of Korean passive.

1. 머리말

2. 선행 연구

3. 본고의 분석 자료 및 연구 방법

4. 19세기 말 20세기 초 사전류와 문법서에서의 태

5. 일선어학교범에서의 태의 대응 양상

6. 20세기 초 한국어 피동의 과도기적 양상

7. 마치며
