최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

『源氏物語』의 색채

The Color in the Tale of Genji - With a Focus on Shiroki Koromo (白き衣) -

  • 6

Visual representations of the Tale of Genji, such as the Genji-e and Genji monongatari emaki, have created an image of ‘aesthetic’ Heian dynasty. However, the analysis of the logic and visual descriptions inside the koromo kubari (衣 配り) scene reflect a sensuous color cognition in the Tale of Genji, which has received marginal attention in past studies on color. This study aims to prove that the color inside the Tale of Genji is used as a narrative device rather than element of an aesthetic fantasy of Heian period. Based on visual perceptions of color, this study analyzed the usage of the color term shiro (白), specifically shiroki koromo (白き衣) related to koromo(衣), and identified the fact that shiroki koromo of the female subject is visualized through the gaze of the male narrator. Finally, from how shiroki koromo is portrayed in the kaimami (垣間見) scene where the male acts as a point of view character, this study concluded that these descriptions serve as a narrative device to convey the main theme of the story. It is notable that Kaoru’s kaimami scene is a clear example of the logic of the story, which is inherent in the gaze of Kaoru by visualizing the invisible subject shiroki koromo. Shiroki koromo works as a medium which highlights the main theme of the story by evoking the images of shiro. Thus, the study sheds light on the logic of intrusion embedded in the theme of the story from stories of noble-blood-obsessed- Kashiwagi to Kaoru.

1. 들어가며

2. <복색>과 인물

3. <白き衣>와 인물

4. <白き衣>에서 <白>로

5. 나오며
