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KCI등재 학술저널

Compositional Features of the Yakut Heroic Epic Kyys Debiliye

Compositional Features of the Yakut Heroic Epic Kyys Debiliye

DOI : 10.24958/rh.2018.17.155
  • 12

Sarakhana Kuukennik, a female being from the Lower World, discovers the beautiful field called Unaarytta in the Middle World and desires to live there. Her father, Arsan Duolai, the head of the Lower World, tries to convince her not to go to the Middle World because if she harms people while living there, the deities in Upper World will become angry and punish all the Lower World residents. Sarakhana promises her father that she will live in the Unaarytta quietly and peacefully. However, when she moves there, she violates her promise by stealing three newborn boys: one from the Middle World, Urgunnuk Baatyr; one from the Upper World, Kun Ereli; and one from the Lower World, Dygyidaan Bege. She breastfeeds and raises the boys by herself, and all three boys adopt the features of evil. The boys become extremely powerful, and they fight with Chugdaan Bukhatyyr, the most skillful warrior of the Middle World, in order to test their skills. They kill numerous cattle of the Chugdaan Bukhatyyr household until he agrees to fight with them. Chugdaan Bukhatyyr, who can fight Kun Ereli and Urgunnuk Baatyr, cannot stand against three warriors, when Dygyidaan Bege comes to fight, so Chugdaan Bukhatyyr asks to meet again during the next full moon. When the warriors raised by the abaahy go back, Urgunnuk Baatyr, the son from the Middle World, uses his ability to perform magic so as to become invisible and abduct Chugdaan Bukhatyyr’s sister, Khaachylaan Kuo. Chugdaan Bukhatyyr goes to Kyys Debiliye and asks her to defend them from the abaahy. Kyys Debiliye, her sister Aan Akhtalyia, who lives in the Upper World, Middle World warrior Eriede Bergen, who desires to serve Kyys Debiliye, and Chugdaan Bukhatyyr fight against the three warriors raised by the abaahy at a cliff for warriors’ battles called Kyrpyaika. Kyys Debiliye fights with Dygyidaan Bege, Chugdaan Bukhatyyr fights with the Middle World son, Urgunnuk Baatyr, and Aan Akhtalyia fights with the Upper World son, Kun Ereli. When Aan Akhtalyia becomes weakened, Eriede Bergen replaces her. They make a great deal of noise and, when they damage the cliff, a master spirit of the cliff, Taas Engsilgen, expels the warriors to the Lower World. The Upper World deities stop the battle and announce their decision to imprison Dygyidaan Bege in the barn. Eriede Bergen and Chugdaan Bukhatyyr return to their homes, Kyys Debiliye cleanses Kun Ereli and Urgunnuk Baatyr of evilness and restores their original appearances and kind minds inherent in the Middle and Upper World people. Kyys Debiliye blesses Kun Ereli and sends him to the Upper World, where he was born. Kyys Debiliye arranges for Urgunnuk Baatyr to get married to Khaachylaan Kuo and live in the Unaarytta field. First, Kyys Debiliye asks for a deity from the Upper World to cleanse and heal Unaarytta field after the abaahy occupation. Then, she asks the deities to build a house for the people, and blesses young couple to live prosperous lives. Chugdaan Bukhatyyr waits for Kyys Debiliye’s return from Unaarytta field in order to invite her to his house and express his gratitude. After her visit, Kyys Debiliye gives Chugdaan Bukhatyyr a goodbye kiss and leaves his house.

I. Introduction

II. Origin, cosmogony, and performance of olonkho

III. Olonkhosut Nikolay Burnashev and the text of Kyys Debiliye

IV. Common elements of the works about defenders of Middle World people and Kyys Debiliye

V. Compositional features of Kyys Debiliye

VI. Conclusion
