최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Особенности моделирования инструментально-целевого оценочно-результативного комплекса когнитивно-прагматической программы К. Кинчева в пространстве «героической» эпохи русской рок-культуры

The Special Aspects of the Instrumental Evaluative-Effective Subsystem of K. Kinchev’s Cognitive Pragmatic Program within the Framework of “Heroic” Epoch of Russian Rock Culture

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This article considers the try of theoretical comprehension of general principles of target evaluative-effective block of of K. Kinchev’s cognitive-pragmatic programs (CPP) in terms of the author’s linguoculturological theory of CPP modeling within the Framework of “Heroic” Epoch of Russian Rock Music. The CPP that consists of three basic subsystems of cognitive-pragmatic sets (CPS) (target, self-identification, instrumental) and evaluative-effective (secondary synthesized) subsystem is considered as a specific, dynamic and transforming cognitive-mental structure that accumulates the personality consciousness work (subject-source – subject-interpreter), where the most important components of cognitive (the system of genetic codes), the conceptual national-specific (system of culture codes) and the linguistic (the system of sign units of different types) of the world are reflected in a highly concise conceptual form and in a special way. K. Kinchev’s CPP is built on a special model. Not a separate basic subsystem of the target installations but a special instrumental-target complex is formed on the basis of the general abstract goal. At the heart of his modeling lies the dialectical duality of the rock poet’s consciousness, based on the unity and struggle of the positive (the target component of the CPS) and the negative (instrumental component of the CPS) beginnings. It is important that the destructive energy of the revolutionary operational-instrumental strategy, based on the principles of total rebellion and destruction, gradually neutralizes (blocks) the positive content of the target component. This naturally leads to a change in its conceptual status from constructive to destructive. As a result, an evaluative-effective instrumental-target CPS complex begins to form in the space of Kinchev’s CPP, within the framework of which the subject-source comes to the self-analyzed conclusion that none of the goals set has been realized. All this leads to a deep spiritual and creative crisis and the realization that the “heroic” version of the CPP has run out of steam and requires a serious modernization of all the basic subsystems.

I. Введение

II. Понятие и структура когнитивно-прагматической программы

III. Структура когнитивно-прагматической программы К. Кинчева в пространстве «героической» эпохи русского рока: базовая подсистема целевых КПУ

IV. Принципы моделирования инструментально-целевого комплекса когнитивно-прагматических установок К. Кинчева

V. Особенности оценочно-результативной инструментально-целевой подсистемы когнитивно-прагматических установок К. Кинчева

VI. Заключение
