The article is devoted to analysis of reflection of historism (historical knowledge) in modern poster of Old Believers of Chasovenn’s agree. Recently, the religious center of this traditionalist school of Russian Orthodox Christianity, which is located in the remote Siberian preenisei taiga on the Dubtches river, shows an example of rapid development. This, in particular, is manifested in the creation and distribution of graphical products ― traditional icons and new posters devoted to religious issues. At the same time, posters to a large extent are a revival of the traditional pre-revolutionary Old Believer lubok (folk picture). However, the new splint differs markedly from its predecessor, both from the point of view of the technology of creation and from the point of view of its content. Such visual and textual materials were recorded during the complex expeditions of 2016, 2017 and 2018. in the space of pre-Enisey (Tuva, Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Krai). The researched artwork can be divided into different types according to the genre criterion. A special place in their row are hold by paintings, devoted to different faces and plots of the history of Chasovenn’s agree, which is understood by his followers as a true church. At the same time, the history of own school of Old Believers is considered by them in the context of the all-Russian and world problematics. Therefore, different components and elements of the history of the external socio-cultural, economic and political environment are undergo to interpretations and valuating. The research of new Old Believers’ posters showed that the modern world view and the culture of the Yenisei’s Chasovennye, in spite of the powerful influence of the external society, preserves and develops its own version of the world, national and church history. At the same time, in the capacity of the history of the true church, the history of its agree (the school of the Old Believers as a traditionalist version of Russian Orthodox Christianity) is perceived. It is characteristic that this specific historism is combined with an keen religious criticism of the modern society enthusiasm with excessive technologism, which is associated with sinful modernity and separation from pious history. At the same time, in their doctrine and the cultural product of the Chasovennye the important bring a sense are dichotomous contradistinction of righteousness-sin, skete-city, nature-technology, history-modernity.
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