최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

수산물이력제 시행실태와 개선방안

A Study on the State and Development of Seafood Traceability System in Korea

  • 332

This study is for the analysis of current state and problems of seafood traceability, and measures for its improvement. With frequent food safety issues, the public’s dissatisfaction and apprehension towards food consumption have been increasing. Amongst food, due to its various characteristics in production and distribution, seafood is especially vulnerable to food safety issues and requires a thorough food’s safety management system. Introduced as a response system in 2008, the seafood traceability has been in implementation for ten years. During that time, the government has invested budget every year for the proliferation and establishment of seafood traceability and is pushing ahead with a pilot project of compulsory seafood traceability for partial items in the latter half of 2018. As the current government included seafood traceability as a major promotion work in fisheries area, the policy seems likely to be strengthened. This study examined the trial performance of the seafood traceability and its drawbacks over ten years, and aimed to propose a measure for improvement. For the establishment of seafood traceability, restructuring the current system is of the utmost importance. It should not be used solely for food safety management. The system use set a policy target of fishery resources management, prevention of IUU fishing, improvement of market value through connection with seafood’s quality certification system, and a comprehensive system for improvement of exported seafoods, all to be attained through seafood traceability, along with the need to find a measure to utilize this in various angles.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 수산물이력제 현황

Ⅲ. 수산물이력제 시행상의 문제점

Ⅳ. 수산물이력제 시행 개선방안

Ⅴ. 결론


