The purpose of this study was to analysis Korean market competitiveness of Chinese metal items. Methods of analysis were Market Share Index, Market Comparative Advantage. The data was collected through Korean Materials & Components Technology Network and period of analysis were 2009-2016. Chinese main 6 metal items which recorded high-ranked export sum and exported to Korea in 2009-2016. From this study, following results were found. Ⅰ) In searching trade balance aspects through MSI, highly ranked Chinese metal items in Korea market were steel rolling, pressing&elongation products, steel tubes, steel casting industry. Ⅱ ) In searching market advantage aspects through MCA, Chinese metal items have strong competitiveness in Korea market. especially, steel rolling, pressing & elongation products, steel tubes, steel casting industry had strong competitiveness in Korea Market. In conclusion, we found that most of Chines metal items have competitiveness in Korea market. Especially, steel rolling, pressing & elongation products had very strong competitiveness in Korea market.
Ⅰ . Introduction
Ⅱ . Trade Status between Korea and China
Ⅲ . Analysis of the Competitiveness of Chinese Metal Items
Ⅳ . Conclusion