This study has analyzed the interrelation between transformational leadership (TL) and organizational commitment (OC) so as to verify the mediating effect of their trust on OC, finding that charisma and intellectual stimulus have a significant effect on affective and continuous commitment. This finding is different from any existing arguments where the charisma of TL and the individual consideration are said to have a significant and positive effect on affective and continuous commitment. Furthermore, the mediating effect, which was expected to be highly relevant on the grounds of the findings ofprevious researches that any high trust ofa leader would lead to a high level of OC of members, has been revealed as a complete mediation in the relationship of emotional trust between individual consideration and OC, which shows that the correlation between TL and OC may vary depending on the characteristics of an organization and its members both of which are sample objects. This study, unlike most previous researches with their research samples inindustrial fields, has estimated the growing interrelation of NGOs. Therefore, while this study itself may have its research-limit of specificity, it is expected to make a useful contribution to any future researches of the same category.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical Background and Literature Review
Ⅲ. Hypotheses and Research Models
Ⅴ. Conclusion