A good brand name is very important for the success of a product. A thoughtful brand name can convey information that can influence potential customers in a positive way. Thus marketers often formulate brand names intended to explicitly or implicitly play a role in influencing customer perceptions. One way of doing this is to have a brand name bearing connotations to a foreign country. In general, prior research on country-of-origin effects has not adequately focused on exploring brand name connotation and its effect on product evaluation. This research presents a conceptual framework for determining if/how brand name connotation to a foreign country affects product evaluation. Specifically, this paper reviews relevant literature pertaining to country-of-origin and brand name connotation, discusses a conceptualization, proposes research hypotheses, and outlines procedures for collecting data to evaluate the proposed hypotheses.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literatute Review
Ⅲ. Problem Formulation and Hypotheses
Ⅳ. Methodology
Ⅴ. Analysis
Ⅵ. Conclusions and Implications
Ⅶ. Limitations