최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

검·경 수사지휘 논의에서 잊힌 문제-특별사법경찰관리에 대한 수사지휘-

What’s forgotten - Investigation Supervising over Special Justice Police

  • 187

For decades already, the issue of judicial reform has always been on the list of our social change demands. There were various opinions on the old problems of the justice system and their solutions, but it was all frustrating because there were not many realizations. In the meantime, there has been a recent agreement between the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, and the head of the prosecution and the police. If this is enough, the problem is solved, and the conflict is sealed? It is doubtful that this issue is that the name of the ministers of the ministries concerned is different from that of the heads of ministries concerned, but it could be done if the ministers of the ministries agreed with each other. Judicial reform was not easy to make in the past, not because the will of the power was lacking, or because the organizational resistance of interest groups was weak. It is the same as the college admissions system, which still remains a problem. All agree that it is a problem, but the solution is different because the perception of the cause is different. It is because the reality perception and the sense of value are in each one. There is a problem that is easily forgotten in the process. In the present discussion, we will focus on the case of Special Judicial Police Officer in order to investigate the police officer forgotten temporarily. I hope that someday I will be able to discuss the necessity of neutrality and neutrality by reorganizing the national investigation system not as an institutioncentered thinking but as a function center.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 수사권을 가진 자들의 신분적 다양성과 비체계성

Ⅲ. 문제의 복잡성
