최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

미투(Me Too)운동이 야기한 형사법적 쟁점 검토

A Review on Criminal Aspect Issues Caused by Me Too Campaign - A Focus On the Revised Bill of Criminal Law and Act on Sexual Crime of Violence -

  • 307

The case of sexual violence committed in organizations resorting to powerful influence has recently been revealed across the entire society. One of stark characteristics of such a case is that perpetrators have committed the sexual crime of violence, constantly, taking advantage of their social positions, and inflicted serious physical and mental suffering on the damaged. In order to prevent perpetrators from committing another sexual crime of violence and the potential damaged- from occurring, there have appeared courageous behaviors to reveal, in public, the fact of the damages from sexual violence widespread in each circle and sector, with situations changing across the ages- that perpetrators committed, resorting to their superior social positions. At this, the National Assembly brought what s called legislative bills on Me Too Campaign to numerous related committees. In this regard, the research study will review about criminal aspect issues caused by Me Too Campaign, with the main focus on the revision bills on major legislations to respond to sexual violence: Criminal Law and Act on Sexual Crime of Violence

Ⅰ. 문제의 제기

Ⅱ. 새로운 범죄유형의 신설

Ⅲ. 형사처벌의 강화를 위한 조치

Ⅵ. 글을 마치며
