Guo, JunHua. 2018. “A Study on Korean learners’ Awareness and Attitude about Academic Writing”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 26(3). 1~30. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the awareness and attitudes of Korean learners about Academic Writing and to identify the problems which should be solved in academic writing education for Korean learners. For this, 62 foreign students were conducted a questionnaire survey, and 18 of them were interviewed to elicit their attitudes, perceptions about academic writing. A result of analysis showed that students have a very negative attitude towards writing. Moreover, they are not aware of the importance of writing. Therefore, they are negligent of writing and do not actively participate in academic activities. Second, students know the connection between general purpose writing learning and academic writing learning, but they have no systematic understanding of Korean academic writing. They simply gain knowledge of writing by imitating. Third, although they showed a willingness to be good at academic writing, they lacked subjective initiative on writing learning. And their writing study was centered on TOPIK. In order to solve these problems, this paper suggested solutions from an ecological perspective: language knowledge entry, learning environment, and learner’s self - growth. First, it is needed to help foreign students to have a systematic knowledge of academic writing as soon as possible. Second, outside the classroom, students should be offered a variety of opportunities to participate in academic activities.third, it is necessary to study the internal motivation of interest which attracts students’ attention and allow them to have a positive attitude about academic writing.
1. 서론
2. 선행연구에 대한 고찰
3. 연구 방법 및 내용
4. 결론 및 제언