韓·美 關係 굳히기에 힘을 모을 때
Urgency of Strengthening the ROK-US Alliance: The Only Option to Secure Peace and Freedom of Korea
- 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회)
- 신아세아
- 新亞細亞 第25卷 第3號
- : KCI등재
- 2018.09
- 11 - 17 (7 pages)
한치 앞을 내다보기 어려운 나날을 보내면서 한국 국민들은 불안한 나날을 보내고 있다. 중국의 시진핑(習近平) 주석은 ‘중국 지배의 아시아’ 재건을 내걸고 한국을 중국의 지배 아래 두려는 이른바 ‘한국의 핀란드화(Finlandization)’를 추진하고 있고, 북한은 중국의 지원을 받아 ‘남반부 통일’을 위한 정치전, 군사전을 적극적으로 펴고 있다. 미국의 트럼프(Donald Trump) 대통령은 ‘미국 제일’ 이라는 국수주의적 정책을 펴면서 한·미 동맹의 재조정을 직·간접으로 시사하고 있다. 이러한 위기적 상황에서 대한민국을 지켜내기 위하여 우리가 선택할 수 있는 ‘생존 전략’을 다시 한 번 정리해 본다.
The 70-year history of the Republic of Korea -- overcoming a legacy of dire poverty and a disastrous inter-Korean War to construct an industrialized liberal democracy - is a legendary story. This success was possible thanks to the liberal international order maintained by US leadership. The favorable international environment for liberal democratic Korea is, however, rapidly deteriorating. China under Xi Jinping began to restore its historical suzerain system over its neighbors, including Korea. We can detect China’s desire to ‘Finlandize’ Korea. Supported by China, North Korea increases efforts to unify the Korean Peninsula on its own terms. President Trump’s policy of ‘America First’ is also harming the ROK-US alliance. In a rapidly changing international environment, the ROK should develop a policy to protect its liberal democracy and economic development. Policy options are quite limited, since the United States is the only great power that can deter China. The ROK should keep its strong alliance with the US. The ROK should keep its liberal democratic stance so that the US will accept ROK as a ‘value ally.’ Militarily, the ROK should strengthen its ‘security alliance,’ and keep the US-ROK joint forces command system. US bases in Korea should also be maintained. Economically, the ROK should deepen cooperative relations. In this way, the ROK should transform its alliance into a ‘comprehensive alliance.’ The ROK should prove that a strong ROK-US alliance will help stabilize the East Asian regional peace system, and that the alliance is a mutually beneficial arrangement.
1. 왜 한·미 동맹이 중요한가?
2. 한·미 관계는 포괄적 동맹이 되어야 한다
3. 동맹 강화를 위한 노력이 필요하다