최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

뉴시니어의 데카당스 파티스타일 연구

Analysis of New Seniors’ Decadence Party Styles

  • 68

This With economic growth, modern society is seeing an increase in length of life and is entering an era of an aging society. Foreign popular culture has rapidly flowed into Korea, and people’s life satisfaction has increased. Under these circumstances, mature adults in their 50s who pursue youth and new life are willing to enjoy and express narcissism. From the scene in which these older adults are attending parties and looking for new meaning in life by escaping from their daily routine, this study found a similarity with the aestheticism of about 150 years ago. In addition, the sincerity of aestheticism can be sensed in cosmetology and art from the early 21st century. Therefore, first, this study investigates the aesthetic characteristics of hedonism through previous studies, literature and Internet data. Second, this study analyzes the aesthetic characteristics of aesthetic hedonism and classifies party makeup by texture, shape and color. Then, it creates diverse hair styles and suggests fashion. Third, this study summarizes party makeup and hairstyling processes by aesthetic characteristics and photos and analyzes formative characteristics. Then, it attempted to analyze how to make good use of such works. In this study, a party is an opportunity for social and cultural participation for older adults and a process to discover a new renaissance in life. Furthermore, as a way to express beauty in the daily routine, a positive attitude toward successful aging can be expressed. In this study, a party style was created for a total of 8 new mature adults. In the process of exploring their romance, their active participation, great interest and high satisfaction were confirmed. Therefore, there should be further studies on the development of new cultural contents, the creation of new jobs such as party stylers and an increase in the possibility of marketing development.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 연구 방법

Ⅳ. 뉴시니어의 데카당스 파티 스타일 연구

Ⅴ. 결 론
