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KCI등재후보 학술저널

Jonathan Edwards on Visible Sainthood in His Ministry at Northampton Church

  • 15

뉴잉글랜드에서 세례와 성찬은 하나님의 은혜의 언약으로 인하여 교회의 성도들을 구성하고 결정하는 과정에서 관문과도 같았다. 그러나 17세기 이후, 뉴잉글랜드의 청교도들은 누가 진정으로 회심했는가, 누가 성례들을 받을 수 있는가라는 문제를 결정하는 데에 많은 논쟁과 어려움을 겪게 되었다. 이러한 문제와 논란의 배후에는 서로 상충하는 신학적 전통들과 깊은 연관성이 자리 잡고 있었다. 순수한 교회를 이루어가기 위해, 초기 뉴잉글랜드 청교도들은수찬자격이 있는 성도들의 어린 자녀들에게 유아세례를 베풀었다. 그러나 시간이 지나면서 문제가 발생했는데, 유아세례는 받았지만 회심하지 못한 성도 들의 자녀들에게 유아세례를 베풀 것인가, 그렇지 않을 것인가라는 문제로 고심하게 되었다. 소위, 중도언약 성도들의 자녀들에게 세례를 어떻게 다룰 것인가라는 이슈가 부각되었던 것이다. 이러한 신학적 문제는 뉴잉글랜드의 목 회자들뿐만 아니라, 조나단 에드워즈와 그의 목회사역에도 지대한 영향을 미쳤다. 본고에서는 에드워즈의 가시적 성도들에 대한 견해와 수찬자격에 대해 고찰할 것이며, 이러한 이슈들이 당시 청교도들의 역사적 배경과 신학적 전통 에서 어떻게 다루어졌는지를 조나단 에드워즈의 가시적 성도 개념과 그가 목회했던 노쓰햄톤교회에서의 사역과 교회론을 중심으로 논의하고자 한다.

In New England, baptism and the Lord’s Supper were also the gateways to membership in the church, which was to be made up of those persons who were under the covenant of grace, as much as that could be determined. However, since seventeenth-century New England Puritans found it so difficult to determine who was truly converted, they were never able to settle entirely the questions of who should have access to the sacraments or be regarded as part of the church. And much of the problem arose from conflicting traditions that shaped their determinations of who should receive the two sacraments. Under the initial impulse to institute a pure church, the early New Englanders baptized children only if the parents were full communicant members of the church. But they soon faced a troubling question, whether they allow the baptism of children of those who had been baptized in their infants but were never certifiably converted. Should the children of these Half-way (baptized) church members be baptized? This theological controversy was so critical among New England pastors, but also to Jonathan Edwards and his ministry as well. This article aims to find Jonathan Edwards’ view on visible sainthood, in other words, his understanding on who is a visible saint? Or who can commune in the Lord’s Table? This essay also argues that the question regarding who are qualified to participate in communion was along debated issue. In doing so, the writer will trace back the historical background of visible sainthood in New England for a better understanding of Edwards’ view on what constitutes visible sainthood. Also, this issue was related to the Half-way Covenant and Edwards’ ecclesiology.

1 Introduction

2 The Historical Background of Edwards on Visible Sainthood

3 Visible Sainthoods in Edwards’Ministry at Northampton

4 The Half-way Covenant Issue and Jonathan Edwards

5 Conclusion
