최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

고려시대 太祖의 眞殿과 奉業寺

The Portrait Halls of the Goryeo Founder and Bongupsa Temple

  • 113

고려시대 태조를 모신 眞殿, 즉 태조진전은 그 성격에서나 太祖眞의 형태에서 다양하였다. 개경에는 유교에서의 위패 형태의 신주를 모신 太廟와 도교적인 성격에서진영(초상)을 모신 景靈殿이있었다. 태묘와 경령전에서 태조는 不遷之位였다. 또서경에는태조의진영(초상)을 모신 聖容殿이 있었다. 이곳은 태조만 봉안되어 있었는데, 청색의 곤룡포(袞)에 면류관(冕)을 쓴천자의복식으로仍几를깐黼座에앉은모습이었다. 지방관아에서도태조진을모신사당이 곳곳에 있었다. 평안도 영유현의 태조영전, 충청도천안의태조묘 등이다. 모두진영(초상)을 모시고 있었다. 고려사 에 기록된바와 같이 태조의 진전사원으로는개경의 봉은사가대표적이다. 봉은사는 태조의 원당으로 광종 2년에 창건되어 고려시대 태조신앙의 중심지로서 역할을 하였다. 태조 王建像을 봉안했던 사찰로 알려져 있다. 이밖에 개경의 대안사·영통사에도 태조진이 봉안 또는이안되어있었고, 남경신궐과 개경의수창궁에도일시적으로 태조진이 봉안되기도 하였다. 봉은사이외에연산개태사, 기주봉암사, 죽주봉업사에도태조진이봉안되어있었고 고려시대 태조를 모신 眞殿, 즉 태조진전은 그 성격에서나 太祖眞의 형태에서 다양하였다.

The characteristics and forms of the portrait halls containing the portraits of the founder of the Goryeo dynasty-as well as the portaits themselves-are varied. In Gaegyeong, the Imperial Ancestral Temple(太廟), collected ancestral tablets in the form of Confucian mortuary tablets, while Taoist royal portraits were collected in Gyeongryeong-jeon Shrine (景靈殿). In both locations, the portraits were in the form of immovable mortuary tablets. Also, in Seogyeong or Pyeongyang, the portraits were placed in Seongyong-jeon Shrine(聖容殿). This place enshrined only portrait of the founder shown seated on thrones cut from ceremonial tables(仍几). The founder was dressed in purple robes and wore crowns. In addition, several local ancestral shrines collected the founder s portraits, including Portrait Hall of King Taejo(太祖影殿) in Yeongyu-hyeon, Pyeongan province, the Shrine of King Taejo(太祖廟) in Cheonan, Chungcheong province, and others. As recorded in “The history of Goryeo,” Bongensa Temple in Gaegyeong is representative of Buddhist temples containing portraits of the dynasty s founder. Bongensa Temple was established as a temple holding the founders’ portraits as objects of prayer for blessings in the second year of King Gwangjong and played a role as a center for worship of Goryeo’s founder as a religion. It was known as a temple where the statue of the founder Wang Geon(王建像) had been enshrined. In addition, the founders’ portraits were enshrined in Gaegyeong within the temples of Daeansa and Yeongtongsa. Some of the founder s portraits were relocated and temporarily held at Southren Capital New Palace(南京新闕) and the court Suchang-gung in Gaegyeong. In addition to Bongensa Temple, other temples saw these types of portraits enshrined with these walls, including Gaetaesa Temple in Yeonsan, Bongamsa Temple in Giju, and Bongupsa Temple in Jukju. Portrait halls were also established in regions where the founder s portraits had been collected. As with the statue of Wang Geon in Bongensa Temple, clay and bronze statues formed the basis of the collection in the Gaetaesa Temple. The portraits enshrined in Bongupsa Temple revolved around the type of royal portrait. It is very possible that the portraits held in this temple were created during the restoration period of Bongupsa Temple in the years 14 to 18 of King Gwangjong. Although the founder s portraits were arranged in this temple, the temple itself was not thought to have participated in the management of the royal portrait room, which contained the images; rather, the management fell to the native authorities of Jukju, such as Park Gi-oh, Juksan Park clan, and Juksan Ahn clan, as well as others. When one uses document sources to examine the bronze incense braziers, burners, gongs, and other items, it is apparent that these royal portrait rooms were maintained through their own support system. After the rise of the Joseon dynasty, the new emperor began a campaign to wipe out all traces of the Goryeo dynasty in various fields. The clearing of and destruction of the royal room containing the statue of Wang Geon is just one example of this action. Bongupsa Temple was not spared this treatment either, being destroyed during the campaign. It is possible that the founder s portraits were destroyed during this period as well. A number of regional temples have become known for enshrining the portraits of Goryeo s founder. Although these cannot be compared to the character of Bongensa Temple in Gaegyeong with its prayer room centered on the portraits of Goryeo’s founder, all of these temples can be grouped together in a wider sense as having carried the founder s portraits within their walls. Yeongtongsa Temple and Dawansa Temple in Gaegyeong, as well as other temples do not seem to fall under the heading of the main temples known for the founder s portraits, although they might have carried such images. The system of centers and regional temples hold


Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 태조의 진전사원 奉恩寺와 太祖眞을 모신 사찰

Ⅲ. 太祖眞을 모신 사당(影殿·廟)

Ⅳ. 奉業寺와 太祖眞殿

Ⅴ. 맺음말


