최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

영국-이란 왕국 건설과 이란 민족주의

The Construction of the British-Iranian Kingdom and Iranian Nationalism

DOI : 10.52891/JMEA.2018.17.3.1
  • 90

The contemporary history of Iran was the history of the intervention of foreign powers and the constant resistance to it. Against the intervention of foreign powers, Iranians have resisted every time. However, some of the forces have also joined with foreign powers to maintain their power and vested interest. The representative example was the Pahlavi dynasty in Iran. The Pahlavi dynasty was actually a kingdom born out of British support and intervention. The Pahlavi dynasty took power by using the nationalist movement as a means to maintain its vested rights. This article attempts to analyze the characteristics for Iranian nationalism that emerged during the Pahlavi dynasty, which established the notion of Persian nationalism from the time of the Qajar dynasty that embodied the nationalist movement in Iran.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이란 민족과 민족주의의 이론적 논쟁

Ⅲ. 입헌 혁명과 이란 민족주의 운동

Ⅳ. 영국의 개입과 팔레비 왕조의 탄생

Ⅴ. 결론
