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KCI등재 학술저널

블랙파워시대 급진적 흑인들의 맑스-레닌주의 변주: 블랙팬서당을 중심으로

Black Radicals’ Variations on Marxist-Leninism during the Black Power Era: Focusing on the Black Panther Party

  • 137

This essay explores the influences of the Russian Revolution and Marxist-Leninism on radical blacks in ‘68 movement in the United States of America for its centenary celebration. It especially focuses on the transition of the ideas of the Black Panther Party (BPP) in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The BPP, a representative of the Black Power Movement and black new leftist group, considered itself as a vanguard party for a black revolution like the Bolshevik in the Revolution, and had its structure and system according to that idea. However, it thought of a lumpen proletariat as a driving force for the black revolution, influenced also by Frantz Fanon’s concept of the lumpen, unlike the marxist-leninist concept of a working class as the major role for a revolution. BPP’s ideology moved from black nationalism to revolutionary national, and to internationalism and then revolutionary intercommunalism. Particularly, the intercommunalism by Huey Newton reflects the unique variation of American black radicals’ Marxist-Leninism in the early 1970s.

1. 러시아혁명과 미국 68의 흑인 급진주의

2. 전위당으로서의 블랙팬서당

3. 모든 권력을 인민에게: 흑인 룸펜 프롤레타리아트

4. 상호공동체주의 고안과 맑스-레닌주의 변주

5. 맑스-레닌주의 적용의 한계: 맺음말을 대신하여
