고위험 신생아를 위한 조기 신경발달검사의 유용성
Usefulness of Early Neurodevelopmental Testing for High-Risk Neonates
- 대한소아신경학회
- Annals of Child Neurology(구 대한소아신경학회지)
- 대한소아신경학회지 제26권 제3호
- 2018.09
- 164 - 169 (6 pages)
Purpose: To identify the significance of the 12-month developmental assessment in high-risk neonates by comparing their 12 month and later childhood development. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the records of high risk neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care units of Korea University Ansan Hospital for ten years. Data of 146 patients, who underwent the Bayley test at 12 months of age and retook the same test at 24-36 months, was analyzed. Changes in mental developmental index (MDI) and psychomotor developmental index (PDI) were assessed and <85 scores of indices were defined as abnormal. Results: At 12 months of age, 35 (24.0%) had normal development, 45(30.8%) had psychomotor developmental delay (MDI≥85, PDI<85), 7(4.8%) had mental developmental delay (MDI<85, PDI≥85), and 59(40.4%) had global delay (MDI & PDI <85). At 24–36 months of age, 52(35.6%) had normal development, 10(6.8%) had mental delay, 16(11.0%) had psychomotor delay, and 68(46.6%) had global delay. Out of 35 patients with normal development at 12 months, 27(77.1%) showed normal development after that, and 46(78.0%) of 59 patients with global delay showed a global delay. All 7 patients who had delayed mental development at 12 months showed global delay at 24–36 months of age (P<0.01). The 12-month development of high-risk neonates was associated with later developmental status. Conclusion: Considering the importance of early intervention for delayed development, the 12-month Bayley test of high-risk neonates may be useful for prediction of later developmental progress.
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