Sense of com m unity and length of residence are im portant variables influencing com m unity participation. The study aim s to identify the factors influencing com m unity participation on sense of com m unity. Particularly, the study exam -ine the m oderating effects on the length of residency betw een sense of com m unity and com m unity participation. Data were collected from 130 usable questionnaires am ong residents of rural villages. Results of a factor analysis yielded three dim ensions of sense of com m unity w hich are solidarity, belonging, and em otional intim acy. Results show that all of factors am ong three dim ensions of sense of com m unity have significance for com m unity participation. And length of residency has a positive effects as a m oderator betw een com m unity capacity and com m unity satisfaction. Results also indicated that length of residence has an negative interactional effects w ith m oderator. It m eans that even though higher belonging, less com m unity participation if people live in longer their com m unity. It was suggested that sense of com m unity and length of residency should be considered in rural com m unity developm ent policy.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
3. 연구방법
4. 분석결과
5. 결론 및 제언