The study aim s to explore the policy directions for young farm ers w ithin Korean agricultural context, particularly in Chung-nam Province. In order to accom plish this, young farm ers w ere classified into three categories: successors, new farm ers, potential farm ers. The im portance of young farm ers is becom ing m ore of a focus due to decline of population num bers in rural com m unities as w ell as the aging of agriculture population. In order to address these tw o problem s, it is necessary to create and im plem ent policy to support each category of young farm er. Rather than the current focus on nurturing young farm ers as a labor force, the role of young farm ers in m aintaining local com m unities should be expanded in current agricultural system . The local com m unity should provide appropriate conditions for young farm ers in Chung-nam Province for the various purposes they have and the roles they fill. In conclusion, it is necessary to provide a space w here young farm ers can m eet base on the com m unity. For this, the role of the com m unity based interm ediate support organization for the integrated support system is of great significance
1. 서 론
2. 선행 연구 및 관련 정책 현황 검토
3. 연구 방법
4. 연구 결과
5. 결론