최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


A Study on Non-successor Inheritance System in China

DOI : 10.22397/wlri.2018.34.3.217
  • 15

《中&#21326;人民共和&#22269;&#32487;承法》第32&#26465;&#35268;定和 《最高人民法院&#20851;于&#36143;&#24443;&#25191;行<中&#21326;人民共和&#22269;&#32487;承法>若干&#38382;&#39064;的意&#35265;》第57&#26465;&#35268;定是中&#22269;无人承受&#36951;&#20135;制度的全部&#20869;容。无人承受&#36951;&#20135;制度目前存在的主要&#38382;&#39064;是,无人承受&#36951;&#20135;的界定不明&#30830;、&#27809;有无人承受&#36951;&#20135;的管理人制度、&#27809;有搜索&#32487;承人、受&#36951;&#36192;人和&#20538;&#26435;人等&#19987;&#38376;公告程序、&#36951;&#20135;&#24402;&#23646;的&#30830;定&#31616;&#21333;而缺乏可操作性等。相比之下,法&#22269;、德&#22269;、日本、&#38889;&#22269;等大&#38470;法系&#22269;家和英美法律中&#35268;定的无人承受&#36951;&#20135;制度具有&#20869;容具&#20307;而&#20016;富、可操作性强等特点。制定&#32479;一《民法典》的工作&#32435;入到全&#22269;人大法工委立法&#35745;&#21010;的前提下,我&#20204;&#24212;根据中&#22269;的&#22269;情,有&#36873;&#25321;性的借&#37492;&#22269;外的立法&#32463;&#39564;,&#26500;建&#24182;完善无人承受&#36951;&#20135;制度的相&#20851;&#20869;容,以&#23853;新的面貌融入到《民法典&#32487;承&#32534;》。

The provisions of Article 32 of the “Law of Succession of the People’s Republic of China” and Article 57 of the “Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues Concerning the Implementation of the Law of Succession of the People’s Republic of China” are the entire content of non-successor inheritance system in China. The main problems existing in the non-successor inheritance system are as follows, the unclear definition of non-successor inheritance, the lack of a system for the management of non-successor inheritance, the absence of special notice procedures for search successors, legatee and creditors, and the simple determination of the ownership of the inheritance and lack of operability and so on. In contrast, the non-successor inheritance system stipulated by civil law countries such as France, Germany, Japan and South Korea and in the Anglo-American law has the characteristics of specific and rich content and strong operability. Under the premise of the formulation of a unified “Civil Code” was incorporated into the legislative plan of the National People’s Congress’s Legal and Work Committee, We should, based on China’s national conditions, selectively learn from foreign legislative experience, build and improve the relevant content of the non-successor heritage system, and integrate it into the “inheritance chapter of the civil code” with a new look.


Ⅰ. 前言

Ⅱ. 无人承受&#36951;&#20135;制度的比&#36739;法分析

Ⅲ. 中&#22269;无人承受&#36951;&#20135;制度的&#35780;析

Ⅳ. 中&#22269;无人承受&#36951;&#20135;制度的完善

Ⅴ. &#32467;&#35821;


