최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

항만지역 유휴공간 분포현황 및 발생요인에 관한 연구

A study on the distribution status and causes of unused urban space in port area Focused on the Yeonan pier area, Jung-gu, Incheon

DOI : 10.21447/jup.2018.9.2.5
  • 88

The purpose of this study is to analyze the distribution status and causes of the unused urban space. Yeonan pier area in Incheon which was designated as an urban regeneration area was selected as a research site and analyzed the mechanisms between unused or underused space and urban characteristics. Unused urban space was divided into vacant lot, vacant buildings and vacant spaces to identify the occurrence, location and factors. There was a total of 25 unused spaces in the site. Each has different physical, economical and institutional characteristics contributed to the formation of a difference in the shape of the unused space. There is significance for classifying unused spaces into factors and deriving characteristics. In further studies, it is required to analyze urban spatial characteristics of unused spaces at decaying city, to prepare for a urban regeneration plan, and to identify recognition and behavior.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 유휴공간에 대한 이론 및 선행연구 고찰

Ⅲ. 항만지역 유휴공간 분포현황

Ⅳ. 유휴공간 발생요인 도출

Ⅴ. 결론
