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KCI등재 학술저널

Design and Implementation of Quest Level Design Authoring Tool Considering Interactive Storytelling

Design and Implementation of Quest Level Design Authoring Tool Considering Interactive Storytelling

  • 5

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of users watching game play through internet broadcasting as well as playing games directly. Therefore, it is important not only to show brilliant graphics based on technology as before, but also to convey impressive stories to players or viewers. In this paper, we designed and implemented an authoring tool that can design levels of quests, one of the methods of delivering story in the game, considering interactive storytelling. The implemented quest level design authoring tool allows the generation of various types of quests based on background contents such as NPC, field(monsters), items, and then by setting the interaction to connect them. The quests created in this way are clear in terms of cause and effect, and this helps the player to understand the details of the quests easily. Also, the quest level design authoring tool can be easily used by organizers who do not know the programming methods, and it can be used for the planning and production of time-consuming, costly quests.

1. Introduction

2. Quest level design authoring tool design

3. Implementation of quest level design authoring tool

4. Conclusion
