This study was intended to develop successful way of applying express arts therapy intervention to reduce children’s internet game addiction tendency. Particularly, this study aim to provide the approach of aspects of arts therapy such as sand play, art, music, and dance/movement. For the purpose of this study, 36 papers in the korean journals about research trends were selected about internet game addiction and chid, and arts therapy. More specifically, it focused on causes, effects, and interventions on internet game addiction of children. The data analysed by methods of demographic analysis. The results of this study are as follows. The largest amount of research subjects which were studied until now were about causes of children’s game addiction. Children are hard to understand their psychological problems and to express their conflicts and minds verbally. It should be considered to approach psychological therapy for internet game addiction children that they are on development. Expressive arts therapy is useful approach to them because it’s techniques are various to solve their problems. And, the integrative and creative approach should be applied for synergy of methods effectively.
1. Introduction
2. Clinical Approach of Child Gaming Addiction
3. Conclusion