노인성 우울증 환자와 정상 노인에서 인지기능의 비교 및 우울증 증상 변화와의 관련성 평가
Comparisons of Neurocognitive Functions in Patients with Late-Life Depression versus Normal Elderly, and Association with Changes of Depressive Symptoms in a 3-Month Follow-Up
- 대한노인정신의학회
- 노인정신의학
- 노인정신의학 제22권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 2018.10
- 76 - 83 (8 pages)
Objective:This study aimed to investigate the neurocognitive functions of patients with late-life depression compared to healthy controls and their association with improvement of depressive symptoms. Methods:We compared the results of neurocognitive tests between 41 patients with late-life depression and 20 healthy controls at baseline and 3 months later prospectively. And then we investigated the association of change of cognitive function and improvement of depressive symptoms in patients with late-life depression. Results:Patients with late-life depression showed significantly impaired results in neurocognitive tests especially in domains of language, memory and frontal executive function compared to healthy control. However, after 3 months of treatment of depression, there was no association between the change of results of neurocognitive tests and the changes of scores of Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D). Conclusion:Impairment of cognitive functions in late-life depression includes the domains of language, memory and executive function and after 3 months of treatment of depression, there was no association of improvement of depressive symptom and cognitive change in patients with late-life depression.
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