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KCI등재 학술저널

양화사 표류와 목적어 이동

  • 90

Quantifier Floating and Object Shift in English. Studies in Modern Grammar 99, 1-25. Quantifier floating (Q-floating) displays interesting asymmetries in English. First of all, there is a subject/object asymmetry. The subject permits Q-floating, whereas the object does not. However, if the object is followed by a predicative constituent, Q-floating can be permitted. In this case, there is another subject/object asymmetry. If the object is followed by a constituent that bears a predication relation with it, Q-floating is permitted, If, on the other hand, the object is accompanied by a constituent that bears a predication relation with the subject, Q-floating is not permitted. This paper shows that the various types of asymmetries follow if (i) Q-floating is licensed when A-movement takes place (Sportiche 1988), (ii) object can move to SPEC-V (Chomsky (2008, 2013, 2015), but in simple transitive constructions raising of the object to SPEC-V is prohibited by an anti-locality condition, and (iii) the movement theory of control is correct (Hornstein 1999, 2001).

1. 서론

2. 양화사 표류(Quantifier Floating)와 주어/목적어 비대칭성

3. 목적어 상승이론

4. 반국부조건(Anti-Locality Hypothesis)와 목적어 이동

5. 분열문자화(Split Spell-out)와 양화사 표류

6. 목적어 자리에서의 양화사 표류

7. 결론
