최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Voice Mismatch Meets Neurolinguistics

  • 11

Gui-Sun Moon, Sun-Woong Kim, Jeong-Ah Shin, Hae-Kyung Wee, Jong Un Park, Myung-Kwan Park, and Wonil Chung. 2018. Voice Mismatch Meets Neurolinguistics. Studies in Modern Grammar 99, 85-115. This paper aims to investigate Korean advanced L2 English learners’ strategies for ellipsis resolution during sentence processing. Ellipsis resolution is known to involve several stages of information processing from the initial step of detecting an ellipsis-licensing element by the parser to the final stage of integrating the ellipsis site with the information retrieved from the antecedent of the ellipsis site. In examining these steps, we have manipulated three factors: (i) TP vs. VP-ellipsis; (ii) two types of discourse coherence relations (resemblance(-contrast) vs. cause-effect relations); (iii) voice match vs. mismatch. We found through the ERP recordings that voice mismatch in TP ellipsis elicited N400, followed by P600, irrespective of discourse coherence relations. In contrast, voice mismatch in VP-ellipsis registered N400 only in resemblance(-contrast) relation, but not in cause-effect relation. These findings lead us to conclude that Korean advanced L2 learners of English seem to undergo the full sequence of processing stages required for ellipsis resolution.

1. Introduction

2. Ellipsis Resolution and Its Implications

3. Experiment

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion
