최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

실내거주자 건강 관리를 위한 IoT기반 실내정원용 IAQ지수 개발

Development of an IAQ Index for Indoor Garden Based IoT Applications for Residents Health Management

DOI : 10.5668/JEHS.2018.44.5.421
  • 154

Objectives: In this study, we started to develop an indoor garden integrated IoT solution based on IAQ (indoor air quality) and interconnection with an environmental database for smart management of indoor gardens. The purpose of this study was to develop and apply an integrated solution for customized air purification from an indoor garden through big data analysis using IoT technology. Methods: An IoT-based IAQ monitoring system was established in three households within a new apartment building. Based on real-time and long-term data collected, PM<sub>2.5</sub>, CO<sub>2</sub>, temperature, and humidity changes were compared to those of indoor garden applications and the analyzed results were indexed. Results: As a result of the installation, all three households had no results exceeding the standard for indoor air pollution on average PM<sub>2.5</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub> indices. In the case of indoor garden installation, the IAQ index increased to the “Good” section after the installation, and readings in the “Bad” section shown before the installation disappeared. The comfort index also did not dip into the “Uncomfortable” section, where it had been preinstallation, and significantly lowered the average score from “Uncomfortable for sensitive groups” to “Good”. Overall, the IAQ composite index for the generation of installations decreased the “Good” interval, but “Bad” did not appear. Conclusions In this study on developing an integrated solution for IAQ based on IoT indoor gardens, big data was analyzed to determine IAQ and comfort indexes and an IAQ composite index. Through this process, it became understood that it is necessary to monitor IAQ based on IoT.

I. 서 론

II. 연구방법

III. 연구결과 및 고찰

IV. 결 론
