최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

Female Fertility and Employment Choice under the two-Child Policy: Findings from Shanghai

  • 59

Women’s reproductive behavior has an impact on their employment. A comprehensive two-child policy makes it possible for women to have more children and directly affect their labor market status in China’s mega-cities. In this study ,we used data from Female fertility and employment choice of 917 questionnaires conducted in 2016 in shanghai, and Cross Analysis Methods to examine the relationship between fertility and employment. The results not only validate correlation of reproductive responsibility with professional status, even women’s income also affects their fertility, but also show that reducing women’s parenting responsibility is conducive to women’s equal employment. Thus there is an urgent need to re-divide fertility responsibilities between family, society and government. Our findings also shed light the need to further improve the fertility supporting policy.


1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

3. Data and Methods

4. Results

5. Conclusions and Discussion

