최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

마흐르에 대한 샤리아 규범과 여성의 권리: 코란, 하디스, 법학파를 중심으로

The Shariah on Mahr and Women s Right: Focused on the Koran, Hadith, and the Law Schools

  • 97

Koran (Qurʻān) defined Mahr as a monetary or non-monetary gift mandated by men to Muslim women and the Biblical women at marriage . That is to say, Mahr is the gift which bridegroom gives to the bride and then it is the right of the bride. Sunna (Hadith) specifically described the meaning of the gift mentioned in the Koran as all (gold, silver, commodity, real estate, etc.) that has worth, everything that the both bridegroom and bride satisfy, memorizing the Koran and it’s education, conversion to Islam, liberation of slave and so on. Nonetheless, the norms of the Koran and Sunnah were not enough to meet all the demands of the vast Muslim world extended after the 9th century. So the Islamic law schools have dealt with the details of Mahr to apply them to the whole Islamic world.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 코란의 마흐르 관련 계시

Ⅲ. 하디스의 마흐르 관련 구절

Ⅳ. 마흐르에 대한 순니 4 대 법학파의 견해

Ⅴ. 결론
